Snow Peaks Race Location
LOCATION: Vivian Park

This is the start/ finish area at Vivian Park. This picture was taken in the afternoon looking east up the canyon. The park is located in Provo Canyon, Provo Canyon, Provo, UT. 5.9 miles up from the mouth of Provo Canyon. To get there from the North take the 800 N exit in Orem and head East to the mouth of the canyon about 4 miles. Coming from the South take the University exit, US 189. This takes you straight up to the Mouth of Provo Canyon, about 8 miles. Then proceed up the canyon.
The following maps show the location of the start/finish area at Vivian Park. Also shown is Utah Valley State College which is just North across the Highway from our Host Hotel “HAMPTON INN & SUITES” where the pre-race briefing and dinner will be held.