Kat’cina Mosa Homepage
24th Annual
Kat’cina Mosa 100K Mountain Run
Sat. Aug 9, 2025
Come join us on August 3rd
USATF awards for M/F Overall 1-3, Master and Grand Master
Qualifying race for Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc®

Sat., Aug 9th, 2025–3:00 AM Springville, UT
VOLUNTEERS: To those of you who are interested in helping out with the race, we need volunteers to help at some of the Aid Stations…please call me, John Bozung, at 801-808-4222 and leave a message or email me at Volunteer Signup
LOCATION: Kelly’s Grove Park about a 1/4 mile past the Hobble Creek Golf Course Club House, at the “Kiwanis Pavillion”. This Pavilion is all the way at the back of the park. See Location Maps for exact location.
HOST HOTEL: Hampton Inn & Suites. The Hampton Inn & Suites has a heated pool, Jacuzzi, banquet facilities and continental breakfast and it is about a 25-30 minute drive to the start/finish. It is Located at 851 West 1250 South, Orem – across the street from Utah Valley University (UVU) and right next to the freeway. So, it is easy to find right off of exit 269 from I-15. We have been given a special rate/per room of $89 a night. . To make a reservation call the hotel directly at 801-426-8500 and dial “0” if you dial “1” you will get the central reservations desk and they have no idea … You need to mention that you are with the Kat’cina Mosa 100K Mountain Run. Please support the Host Hotel .
PRE-RACE BRIEFING AND DINNER – : Complimentary pasta dinner, Friday Night, Aug 8th from 4:00 to 6:30 PM to all entrants, all others – $5.00 pre-paid. $10.00 at the door. Pre-race briefing will begin at around 5:00 PM. The dinner and pre-race briefing will be at the Host Hotel – Hampton Inn & Suites, just south across the street from UVU. Please make every effort to be at the pre-race briefing. Saturday morning will not be the time for a lot of questions. Post race BBQ. Entrants free, all others $5.
- $170 by March 31st
- $185 by May 31st
- $199 by July 17th
If you did the 2022 SP50 you get a $10 discount. If you did the 2022 Snowshoe 50K or marathon you get an additional $10 discount. Packet pickup will be at pasta dinner location. For registration go to the online entry form at:
COURSE: A VERY, VERY challenging, difficult and scenic loop course through the Wasatch Mountains above Provo, Utah. About 42% will be on the same course as the Squaw Peak 50. These sections are Mile 2.1, Pole Heaven to mile 16.27, Rock Canyon and mile 24, just past Big Springs to mile 38.5 – Little Valley. The trail will be flagged just as well as the SP run. It will consist of – 48% dirt trails, 44% dirt roads and 8% paved. Elevation gain is 17,404 feet and loss is 17,404 ft. 13,000 FEET OF ELEV. GAIN BY MILE 28.5 IN 3 SEPARATE CLIMBS. THEN THE LAST HALF ONLY HAS ABOUT ANOTHER 4,000 FEET OF CLIMB,
Big Springs Trail Road
- Looking southwest up towards Windy Pass near Big Springs aid station. Big Springs Aid Station 4 is about 2 miles up this road that is now paved.
AID, MILEAGE, CUT OFF, DROP BAGS and CREW. 3:00AM Start, Early Start 1:00 AM. This for those of you who know will need the extra time, Please honor this…it is not for those of you who want to start early so you don’t have to contend with possible heat that day! Chart with all the details 9 Full Aid and 1 water stop and 1 Spring , varying from about 3 to 8 miles apart. Several of our aid station people will be there from The Squaw Peak Event. Water, fluid replacement, fruit, candy, pretzels, cookies, sandwiches, crackers, chips, potatoes, salt, etc. Medical at start / finish, Limited medical at aid station’s. Drop bags (check in by 2:30 am AT START) and pacers allowed. Crew access to most of the course. No access from Big Springs up to Windy Pass and then from there down to Little Valley except by hiking or running.
- No drop bags at AS#1, AS#2 and AS #5.
- Crew access only at mile, Mile 16.3 (AS#3), Mile 23.1 (AS#4), Mile 37.35 (AS#6), and Mile 56.3 (WS#2) and down road to finish Chart with all the details
COMMUNICATIONS: Ham radio operators will be located at the Start/finish area and at all Aid Stations.
- Unique Handmade Indian Art Awards to overall open and masters M/F
- 1st place awards to M/F in 10 year age group winners
- Husband/Wife Team and Four Person Team – which must include one male or female. Both Awards will be based on the best overall combined time
- T-shirt for all participants and award plaques to all finishers
CAMPING: You can camp at the Start area just north of the Kiwanis Pavillion past the rest rooms.
Camping is also available At Cherry Campground 1.2 miles past the start/finish area. Reservations can be made through reserveusa.com. The previous link will take you directly to that site.There is also camping available in Provo just off the Center Street exit 268 of I-15 at the KOA Kampground, 320 N 2050 W, Provo. 373-5267. This is about a 20-25 minute drive to the start.